Fullstack Ecommerce Boilerplate - Next JS + Node JS
This Next JS boilerplate will help you launch your e-commerce store without hassle in a few days.
What's included?
- Next JS Website
- Node JS + MongoDB Codebase with controllers, routes and models with faster MongoDB aggregate queries.
- React Admin Panel to manage orders and analytics
- Strapi CMS integrations for blog and static pages.
Website Features:
- Categorized Product Display & Pages
- Faster search capability
- SEO friendly product and blog pages
- Wishlist Functionality
- Cart and checkout with coupon code functionality.
- Google & Manual Sign Up/In
- Delhivery / DTDC Pin Code availability check (for India). Can be customized for other vendors.
- Search page with filters
- Pagination included for search results
- Razorpay / PayTM integration
Who can use this?
- Freelancers
- E-Commerce companies
- Hobbyists
2 sales
3 Zip Files - Website Frontend, Backend, Admin Panel
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